Welcome to Harp of Tara
Learn to Play
Beginner Flute
Intermediate Flute
This course is aimed at the absolute beginner flute player. Learn how to hold the flute - proper hand, lip and finger posture will be demonstrated and explained along with the scales of D and G. Other basics that Steph covers include: how to create space in a tune to breathe, breath technique, articulation, ornamentation, flute maintenance and how to gain clarity of tone in both the high and low register. Throughout the course, the tutor progressively refers to and teases out many of the issues that give so many flute players difficulties. The 'Flute Basics' course will equip you with the essentials to begin your journey down the long and adventurous road of Irish flute playing. By the end of this amazing beginner’s course, you will have a repertoire of twenty-four Irish tunes that sit very well on the flute, the knowledge of how to play with good tone and rhythm with basic ornamentation and a deeper understanding of the Irish music tradition. The course has 29 lessons—making it our biggest course on OAIM—broken into 3 to 4 tutorials each, where tunes are taught phrase by phrase. https://www.oaim.ie/flute/flute-basics/
This beginner Irish flute lesson will teach you the scale of G and an easy Irish session tune called 'Tripping to the Well'. Learn the tune step by step in the time honoured traditional way, phrase by phrase. For a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know when starting out on Irish flute and to download a free MP3 and sheet music for Tripping to the Well visit the OAIM website - https://www.oaim.ie/flute/flute-basics
In this Irish flute tutorial you can learn a great beginner tune called "Gander Down the Prattie Hole". This lesson is part of a significant upgrade to our original Irish Flute Basics course, which add's in some great exercises to speed up your progress and cool session tunes ideally suited for learning how to play the Irish flute. Take this lesson here then go to the OAIM website for a comprehensive overview of how best to start playing Irish flute and to download a free MP3 and sheet music for Gander Down the Prattie Hole - https://www.oaim.ie/flute/flute-basics/
All About Reels is a study of 13 reels taken from Kirsten Allstaff’s album Four/4. This is the introductory lesson teaching the reel: The Braes of Busby. Download free sheet music and mp3 here: https://www.oaim.ie/course/all-about-...​
ALL ABOUT REELS with Kirsten Allstaff COURSE DESCRIPTION Four/4 is so named after the time signature of the reel (4/4). The reel is a tune type that many players find challenging due to breathing obstacles, speed and stamina issues. Using the reel as the vehicle of focus, Kirsten shares with us pretty much everything she knows about the flute, how she dealt with her weaknesses (common to most players) and overcame them, tricks for improving breathing, practice apps and wonderful classical flute warm-up exercises that have been adapted for the Irish tradition.
Learn a great Irish flute tune (Micho Russell's) as well as how to play the G roll. Get some top technique tips from Irish flute master Kirsten Allstaff - step by step. Download free mp3 and sheet music for Micho Russell's here: https://www.oaim.ie/flute/flute-progr...​ Flute Progressions - This course has been designed to follow on from Kirsten's previous course titled 'Flute Foundations'. The aim of the course is to take flute players whom have already mastered the basics of tone production, ornamentation and intonation up to the next level of playing. The 'building blocks' that were introduced in 'Flute Foundations' will be expanded upon. Focus will be placed on more advanced ornamentation, namely the crann, the short roll and the bounce. Phrasing and breathing will also feature as will the use of the G# key. It is not a prerequisite to have a keyed flute for this course; in the occasional instance where a key is used, Kirsten presents alternative melodic 'turns' for those with keyless flutes. Reference will be made to the exercises presented in 'Flute Foundations' throughout this course. https://www.oaim.ie/flute/flute-progr...